kittyphotowelcome Welcome!

I am purposefully seeking ways to add a little more peace, joy and fun in my life; that's why I started this tea story.

Currently I am searching for a new supplier for my tea. So I’m visiting websites and ordering different blends every month. I’ll be posting about my finds along with my visits to tea rooms.

It’s always the perfect time for a cup of tea. Won’t you join me?

Category Archives: Tea Tips

Take Tea in the U.K.

Planning a trip to the U.K.?  If so, check out this link:  On this page you can discover places to have tea, find specials and make reservations all in one place.  Tea flows abundantly in the U.K. so there are many, many places to choose from.  You can search for a place by name… Continue Reading

Chocolate Truffle Tango Tea from Thistle Dew!

Some teas make their way to me.  A friend was kind enough to bring me some of this tea from Gatlinburg, TN.  First of all, I got a chuckle from the name of the shop.  Thistle Dew!  Creative, inventive things make me happy.  So does good tea. This particular tea is called Chocolate Truffle Tango.… Continue Reading

Caffeine Content in Tea

Several times people have asked me if green tea has caffeine in it.  Yes, indeed it does.  All four types of tea have caffeine because it all comes from the same plant:  Camellia Sinensis. Simple, right?  Not so fast.  There are many factors affecting the caffeine content of your tea.  For more caffeine: Use more tea… Continue Reading

High Tea, Afternoon Tea and Elevenses

What’s the difference between High Tea and Afternoon Tea?  No, they’re not the same.  And what in the world is Elevenses?  NPR gives a very good explanation in this article. Here’s our post on this same topic: afternoon tea not high tea. Toodles! Continue Reading

Calm and Alert

Tea contains L-theanine, a unique amino acid found only in tea, which reduces stress and promotes relaxation. It works with caffeine in such a way that it relaxes the mind without inducing drowsiness. So that is why drinking tea makes one feel calm and alert at the same time. Continue Reading

Piper & Leaf Wins Award

Congratulations to our friends at Piper & Leaf.  They were named one of the 24 winners in the Southern Living 2015 Food Awards.  Of course, this is no surprise to us. You can see their Front Porch Special tea featured on page 112 of the June issue of Southern Living or go to the web page here.… Continue Reading

Tea at Sterling Health & Wellness

Continuing the thread of where to buy tea in Huntsville, AL… I popped into Sterling Health & Wellness and lo and behold they had a space devoted to tea.  They offer Matcha Source Tea and Piper & Leaf Tea along with some nice books, teapots and accessories. Important to know:  They also have dark chocolate to… Continue Reading

Blueberry Black Tea

I favor flavored teas.  To be specific, the berry flavors.  Here is one of my new favorites:  Blueberry tea.  Today we’re tasting the Savannah Tea Room’s “Blueberry Black” tea. The addition of blue cornflower petals is attractive although I don’t think it adds anything to the flavor.  It’s just pretty and that’s o.k. with me! The… Continue Reading

That tea is fresh!

Tea is somewhat fragile.  It will go stale over time losing its aroma and taste.  Start with buying tea from fine retailers who buy directly from the growers, like Teabox, or look for single estate teas.  Getting it quickly from farm to table will maximize shelf life for you. Once you get it in hand,… Continue Reading

Here’s to your health!

Studies show that tea has antioxidant properties which means that it offers meaningful protection against cancer and heart disease.  Tea contains polyphenols.  One in particular, EGCG, is one of the most powerful antioxidants known.  So enjoy your tea and drink to good health! Continue Reading