It’s National Shortbread Day!

Enjoy Scotland’s favorite treat on national Shortbread Day – observed each year on January 6th.  What a wonderful excuse to enjoy a couple of shortbread cookies.

Good shortbread is buttery, crunchy, melt in your mouth delicious.  It goes perfectly with a nice hot cup of tea, a glass of cold milk or, if you really want to have the full Scottish experience, a shot of strong Scotch whiskey.


The classic recipe is easy enough:

  • 1 part sugar
  • 2 parts butter
  • 3 parts flour
  • a dash or two of salt.

That’s it.  Simple, wholesome, yummy cookies.

Attractive enough to serve on a pretty plate for guests.  Tasty enough for them to come back for more!


Happy National Shortbread Day!

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2 Responses to It’s National Shortbread Day!

  1. Yum! Makes me want to have a cup of tea and a piece of our Christmas shortbread !! Thanks for sharing !