Tea and crumpets. Sounds good, right? But what are crumpets? Crumpets are fat little pancakes. They are soft, spongy, and chewy. They are basically good jam delivery systems. The surface of the crumpet is covered with holes that fill up with your favorite tasty topping.

You can top your crumpet with butter, jam, jelly, or lemon curd. Lemon curd has a terrible name but tastes like lemon meringue pie filling. You can generally find it with the jam and jelly in your grocery store. If you’d like to splurge, another good topping with a horrible name (can someone please talk to the Committee That Names Things?) is clotted cream.
I buy my crumpets from our local Publix grocery store and just heat them up for 30 to 45 seconds in the microwave and serve.
They have crumpets at Publix! I never thought to look there! Erin and I have been looking for them..thank you!!
P.S. We went to English Table in Jones Valley and bought a Brown Betty Tea Pot! I love the story behind it…made me think of you when we were in the store!
Thanks for your posts, Kitty, I really and truly enjoy reading them!
That’s awesome! I’m glad you’re enjoying your new teapot. I know the Publix on Highway 72 in Madison carries crumpets because I pester them whenever they run out and they reorder them for me. If your’s doesn’t have any just ask the nice folks at the service desk to order them and they will!